J.L. Hoving BSc MSc PhD


BSc MSc PhD J.L. Hoving

Assistant Professor, Research Associate
Main activities
Research, Other
Improving methods and tools to assess and promote work participation in occupational health
Focus of research

Focus of Research Jan Hoving: three lines

  1. How to improve the measurement of work participation: development of a core outcome set (COS) on work participation
  2. How to improve the effectiveness of work participation interventions in occupational health: assessment and analyses of trials that use different types of occupational health interventions to promote work participation
  3. How to improve the assessment of prognosis by physicians in the field of occupational and insurance medicine:  development of methods and tools to improve prognostication by physicians

After his PhD in 2001 at the EMGO-Institute (promotor Prof. Lex Bouter) Jan Hoving worked five years in a clinical epidemiology department and later at Monash Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health, both at Monash University in Melbourne Australia for which he still holds a position as Adjunct Senior Research Fellow (unpaid, appointment till 2022: https://www.monash.edu/medicine/sphpm/coeh/about/staff), in the Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine. Since 2005 he is working as an assistant professor at the Coronel Institute of Occupational Health and at the research center for Insurance Medicine (www.KCVG.nl).

Jan Hoving has a keen interest in research methodology which is reflected by publications in  the past on research methods to include systematic review methods (Verbeek et al, 2012),  measurement and Core Outcome Set development (Hoving et al, 2018), guideline development and evidence updates (on several conditions that impact work participation) and methods to assess the inter-rater agreement in evaluation of disability (Barth et al, 2017). 

Since working in the Coronel Institute he has been a project leader and co-promotor of five PhD students (currently two), including a PhD thesis (Rob Kok) in which Evidence Based Medicine was evaluated within the field of Insurance Medicine in the  Netherlands which was awarded the prize for best PhD thesis between 2005-2015 by the Research Center for Insurance Medicine.

Jan Hoving obtained +300.000 Euro in funding for teaching Evidence Based Medicine between 2008 and 2018, coordinating and teaching yearly 5-day EBM courses and subsequent yearly EBM refresher days for Dutch Insurance Physicians. In recent years he wrote two PhD proposals which progress the focus of his research line: (1) a PhD project to develop a Core Outcome Set on Work Participation (start 2018), and (2) a PhD project to improve prognostication of work participation by physicians working in the field of insurance medicine (start 2018: http://www.comet-initiative.org/studies/details/1195).

Jan Hoving’s interest in Cochrane started early in his career, and after having (co-) authored several Cochrane systematic reviews on musculoskeletal disorders (neck pain, low back pain, inflammatory arthritis) he joined Cochrane Insurance Medicine field and is now leading this field in the Netherlands (http://insuremed.cochrane.org/).

In 2019, Cochrane granted the Coronel Institute of Occupational Health the opportunity to become the Amsterdam Satellite of Cochrane Work. An inaugural symposium of the Amsterdam Satellite of Cochrane Work will be held on Friday September 6th 2019 with the title “How to improve the evidence for work participation?” (https://work.cochrane.org/satellite). Jan Hoving is the Satellite director and Satellite Coordinating Editor (0.2 Fte). The application to Cochrane to become an Amsterdam Satellite was written by Jan Hoving and specifically  targets this PI application and includes deliverables such as previously mentioned Core Outcome Set on Work participation and several meta-reviews/systematic reviews to study the methods and effectiveness of work participation interventions in occupational health trials (see Focus of Research line nr 2). 

Given the opportunities for international collaboration within Cochrane and previous employers (in both the Netherlands and Australia) Jan has developed strong connections with several international research groups (via projects such as Core Outcome Set development, Cochrane Reviews, methods papers). Jan Hoving successfully applied for a Spinoza chair (Spinoza Leerstoel) position by Professor Regina Kunz (University of Basel) for which he hosted and organized a series of presentations and workshops at the AMC in Oktober 2018, thus strengthening the existing international collaboration within Evidence Based Insurance Medicine and Cochrane Insurance Medicine (see https://www.amsterdamresearch.org/web/public-health/events-1/public-health-events/spinoza-lecture-by-prof.-regina-kunz.htm).

Key publications
  • Hoving Jan L., van Zwieten Myra C. B., van der Meer Marrit, Sluiter Judith K., Frings-Dresen Monique H. W. Work participation and arthritis: a systematic overview of challenges, adaptations and opportunities for interventions Rheumatology (Oxford, England) 2013;52 (7):1254-1264 [PubMed]
  • Oosterhuis Teddy, Smaardijk Veerle R., Kuijer P. Paul F. M., Langendam Miranda W., Frings-Dresen Monique H. W., Hoving Jan L. Systematic review of prognostic factors for work participation in patients with sciatica Occupational and environmental medicine 2019;76 (10):772-779 [PubMed]
  • Hoving Jan L., Lacaille Diane, Urquhart Donna M., Hannu Timo J., Sluiter Judith K., Frings-Dresen Monique H. W. Non-pharmacological interventions for preventing job loss in workers with inflammatory arthritis Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online) 2014;2014 (11):CD010208 [PubMed]
  • Kok Rob, Verbeek Jos A. H. M., Faber Babs, van Dijk Frank J. H., Hoving Jan L. A search strategy to identify studies on the prognosis of work disability: a diagnostic test framework BMJ open 2015;5 (5):e006315 [PubMed]
  • Barth Jürgen, de Boer Wout E. L., Busse Jason W., Hoving Jan L., Kedzia Sarah, Couban Rachel, Fischer Katrin, von Allmen David Y., Spanjer Jerry, Kunz Regina Inter-rater agreement in evaluation of disability: systematic review of reproducibility studies BMJ (Clinical research ed.) 2017;356:j14 [PubMed]
All Publications
Curriculum Vitae

Work experience:

2005 - present:

Assistant Professor / Senior Researcher. Coronel Institute of Occupational Health, AMC, Netherlands and Research Center for Insurance Medicine AMC-UMCG-UWV-VUmc, Netherlands. During this time also:

  • 2019 - Present: Cochrane Work. Director Amsterdam Satellite Cochrane Work, Deputy Coordinating Editor Cochrane Work (0.2 Fte)
  • 2017 - Present: Cochrane Insurance Medicine. Field Director Netherlands, Deputy director Cochrane Insurance Medicine (0.1 Fte)
  • 2010 - Present: Coördinator Academic centers of Dutch Social Security Agency (Academische Werkplaats UWV – AMC)


Senior Research Fellow. Monash University Department of Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine (DEPM - https://www.monash.edu/medicine/sphpm/epidemiology), Melbourne Australia and Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Cabrini Hospital, Melbourne, Australia. Coordinator Healthwise cohort study team


PhD researcher. Institute for Research in Extramural Care (EMGO-Institute), Vrije Universiteit Medical Centre (VUmc), Amsterdam, Netherlands. PhD- project ‘The efficacy and costs of manual therapy, physiotherapy and usual care treatment by the general practitioner for non-specific neck pain: a randomised clinical trial’ (Published in Annals of Internal Medicine, British Medical Journal). Jan Hoving received Heert Dokter Prijs by NHG / Dutch College of General Practitioners in 2004 for the best paper /research project published in the Dutch Journal for GPs in 2004. Funding: NWO and Fund for Investigative Medicine - OG. Institute for Research in Extramural Care (EMGO-Institute), Vrije Universiteit Medical Centre (VUmc), Amsterdam, the Netherlands.


Physical therapist at SW Florida Regional Medical Center, Ft. Myers, USA and Rehabilitation Center “Sea Pines”, Melbourne, USA. 


  • 1996: Registered Epidemiologist, The Netherlands.
  • 1993-1995: Master’s degree in Health Sciences, Maastricht University, The Netherlands. Diploma Cum Laude.
  • 1991-1992: Manual Therapy Certification. S.V. Paris, Exam certificate. St. Augustine, USA
  • 1990: Florida State Board Exam physical therapy: registered physical therapist in Florida, USA.
  • 1986-1990: Physical Therapy. Leidse Hogeschool voor Beroepsonderwijs. Leiden, The Netherlands.


See https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jan_Hoving

Citation scores JL Hoving (23-08-2019)


  • 2015    Price  for supervising best PhD thesis produced within Research center for insurance medicine (KCVG) in past 10 years (PhD student Rob Kok: EBM in Insurance Medicine)
  • 2004    Heert Dokter Price. Dutch College of General Practitioner (NHG) 2004 prize for the best paper /research project published in the Dutch Journal for GPs in 2004.
  • 2001    Annual research prize for research project ‘The value of MR imaging, radiograph and ultrasound in early rheumatoid arthritis’. Annual Cabrini Research day. Melbourne, Australia.


Teaching experience & other:


  • Member of Cochrane Knowledge Translation group on prioritization (2018 – present)
  • Member Cochrane Cervical Overview Group, Cochrane (2001 - 2018)

COMET (Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials) Initiative: ongoing

Current guideline development (Netherlands)

  • Coordinator & project leader Dutch Occupational Health Guideline on Low Back Pain and Sciatica (ongoing) 

Course Coordination and teaching: ongoing

  • Coordinator NFU Master program Quality and Safety, module 4 (Doeltreffende zorg /EBM) at AMC (2 days). https://nfukwaliteit.nl/programmas/onderwijs-in-kwaliteit/nfu-master-kwaliteit-en-veiligheid-in-de-patientenzorg/
  • Coordinator & teacher: Evidence Based Medicine (EBM): yearly 5 day EBM course for insurance physicians that perform disability assessments (Insurance Medicine). This program was also scientifically evaluated for its effectiveness (Kok et al 2013). Building on the success of this program for more than 130 Dutch insurance physicians we have continued this program (both research and teaching) on a yearly basis .
  • Teaching at Graduate school AMC, course Systematic Reviews (4 days) for 3 x a year (start January 2019: course leader M. Langendam)
  • Teaching methodology (AV: Academische Vorming) & Occupational Health topics Medicine at AMC for medical students
  • Thesis assessor Netherlands School of Public an Occupational Health (www.NSPOH.nl)
Research programmes

BSc MSc PhD J.L. Hoving (Promoties)

Prof. PhD M.H.W. Dresen (Occupational Diseases; Etiology and prevention of work-related diseases)

Prof. PhD J.K. Sluiter (Medical selection and medical guidance of workers)

Current research funding
  • AMC
  • Stichting Instituut GAK