MD MSc H.A.W. Meijer publications


Publications MD MSc H.A.W. Meijer

PhD Candidate
Main activities
Research, Other
Wearable technology and serious gaming
Focus of research

 coordinator 'ReValidate!' project, wearable technology in surgery and rehabilitation


  • Meijer Henriëtte A W, Graafland Maurits, Obdeijn Miryam C, Goslings J Carel, Schijven Marlies P Face Validity and Content Validity of a Game for Distal Radius Fracture Rehabilitation Journal of wrist surgery 2019;8 (5):388-394 [PubMed]


  • Meijer Henriëtte A. W., Graafland Maurits, Goslings J. Carel, Schijven Marlies P. A systematic review on the effect of serious games and wearable technology used in rehabilitation of patients with traumatic bone and soft tissue injuries Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 2018;99 (9):1890-1899 [PubMed]


  • Meijer Henriëtte A. W., Graafland Maurits, Goslings Johan C., Schijven Marie-Elisabeth P. Hands-free and sterile control of PACS and endosuite using wearable sensors during laparoscopic surgery Surgical endoscopy 2017;31 (Suppl. 2):S177
  • Meijer Henriëtte A. W., Sánchez Margallo Juan A., Sánchez-Margallo Francisco Miguel, Goslings J. Carel, Schijven Marlies P. Wearable technology in an international telementoring setting during surgery: a feasibility study BMJ Innovations 2017;3:189-195