Shipment & Contact


For shipment of samples please use the following address label:

Address label Lab GMD


Our institute uses the customs broker Malenstein Global Logistics (

We advise not to use FEDEX / TNT for shipment. We experience a lot of delays with deliveries, because parcels are not cleared through customs in time leading to loss of samples.


  • Ship the samples on dry ice;
  • Label the box with the assigned project number;
  • Label the sample(s) unambiguously (preferably use stickers);
  • Email or include an appropriate sample list;
  • Check our opening hours for sample receipt
  • IMPORTANT: For animal material or animal by products please fill the EU Animal by-products commercial document (for EU) or NL vormvrij handelsdocument (NL only) and print this form in quadruplicate. Add an original signed form to the package, a copy for consignor, a copy for transporter and a copy for biosafety officer. Print the following two labels (DBP_cat1 and UN3373) and put this on the outside of the package. For genetically modified organisms (GMO) replace label UN3373 for the UN3245 label.
  • Make sure that the material is shipped in a closed and leak free package.

Sample receipt can only take place from Monday until Friday Noon (12:00 GMT+1.00)

Our laboratory is closed on the following holidays:


    • New year's day - January 1
    • Easter - April 20 and 21
    • Kings day - April 26
    • Liberation day - May 5
    • Ascension day - May 29
    • Pentecost - June 8 and 9
    • Christmas - December 25 and 26

        Shipping costs are the responsibility of the researcher. Our laboratory does not accept responsibility for shipping costs associated with samples sent to us. Note that this may include additional charges for custom clearings.

        Payment information:

        All payments should be made within 30 days after receiving the invoice, with reference to the invoice number, to our bank ING account no., BIC code: INGBNL2A, IBAN code: NL87INGB0653157363, account holder Academic Medical Center (AMC). Only banktransfers, no checks! Our VAT-identification number is NL004627672B01.


        For regular mail only (NOT for sample shipment)

        Laboratory Genetic Metabolic Diseases (F0-132)
        Amsterdam UMC, Location AMC
        P.O. Box 22700
        1100 DE AMSTERDAM
        The Netherlands

        Phone: +31 20 5661918

        E-mail: Core Facility Metabolomics