A. Tammaro PhD


PhD A. Tammaro

Research Associate
Main activities
kidney ageing, environmental pollution, innate immunity, metabolism.
Focus of research

Environmental pollutants and the premature ageing of the kidney 

Mechanism of renal injury and repair

Therapeutics for healthy renal ageing


Curriculum Vitae

Alessandra Tammaro obtained her master degree in medical biotechnology (cum laude) from the University of Naples in 2012. in the same year she started her PhD program at the AMC under the supervision of Prof. dr. S.Florquin. In 2014 she was awarded two fellowships for a research collaboration with Prof. Dr. Marco Colonna, that brought her to St. Louis (Missouri, USA) to work at the department of immunology of the prestigious Washington University School of Medicine. She completed her doctoral studies at AMC and obtained the PhD in 2018.  Alessandra is continuing her research in kidney diseases at the department of pathology of the Amsterdam UMC.

Research programmes

Prof. PhD S. Florquin (Renal inflammation and repair)