A. van Dam PhD


PhD A. van Dam

Research Associate
Main activities
Forensic research - (bio)chemical analysis of fingermarks and other biological traces
Focus of research

Develop techniques that aid in the detection, analysis and identification of components present in fingermarks and other biological traces using techniques including immunolabeling and fluorescence spectroscopy.

The chemical composition of fingermarks contains a wealth of information that can be used during the crime scene investigation to obtain additional information from the donor of the fingermark.

Key publications
  • van Dam Annemieke, Aalders Maurice C. G., de Puit Marcel, Gorré Shermayne M., Irmak Dilber, van Leeuwen Ton G., Lambrechts Saskia A. G. Immunolabeling and the compatibility with a variety of fingermark development techniques Science & justice 2014;54 (5):356-362 [PubMed]
  • van Dam Annemieke, Schwarz Janina C. V., de Vos Judith, Siebes Maria, Sijen Titia, van Leeuwen Ton G., Aalders Maurice C. G., Lambrechts Saskia A. G. Oxidation monitoring by fluorescence spectroscopy reveals the age of fingermarks Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 2014;53 (24):6272-6275 [PubMed]
  • van Dam Annemieke, van Nes Kirsten A., Aalders Maurice C. G., van Leeuwen Ton G., Lambrechts Saskia A. G. Immunolabeling of fingermarks left on forensic relevant surfaces, including thermal paper ANALYTICAL METHODS 2014;6 (4):1051-1058
  • van Dam Annemieke, Aalders Maurice C. G., van de Braak Kevin, Hardy Huub J. J., van Leeuwen Ton G., Lambrechts Saskia A. G. Simultaneous labeling of multiple components in a single fingermark Forensic science international 2013;232 (1-3):173-179 [PubMed]
  • van Dam Annemieke, Aalders Maurice C. G., van Leeuwen Ton G., Lambrechts Saskia A. G. The compatibility of fingerprint visualization techniques with immunolabeling Journal of forensic sciences 2013;58 (4):999-1002 [PubMed]
All Publications
Research programmes

Prof. MSc PhD A.G.J.M. van Leeuwen (Biomedical photonics for functional and molecular imaging)

Prof. BEng PhD M.C.G. Aalders (Forensic Biophysics)