I. Henselmans PhD


PhD I. Henselmans

Assistant Professor
Main activities
Education, Research
Psychosocial oncology, doctor-patient communication
Focus of research

Patient participation
Shared decision making
Doctor-patient communication at the end of life


Key publications
  • Henselmans Inge, de Haes Hanneke C. J. M., Smets Ellen M. A. Enhancing patient participation in oncology consultations: a best evidence synthesis of patient-targeted interventions Psycho-oncology 2013;22 (5):961-977 [PubMed]
  • Henselmans Inge, Heijmans Monique, Rademakers Jany, van Dulmen Sandra Participation of chronic patients in medical consultations: patients' perceived efficacy, barriers and interest in support Health expectations 2015;18 (6):2375-2388 [PubMed]
  • Henselmans Inge, Jacobs Marc, van Berge Henegouwen Mark I., de Haes Hanneke C. J. M., Sprangers Mirjam A. G., Smets Ellen M. A. Postoperative information needs and communication barriers of esophageal cancer patients Patient education and counseling 2012;88 (1):138-146 [PubMed]
  • Pieterse Arwen H., Jager Nienke A., Smets Ellen M. A., Henselmans Inge Lay understanding of common medical terminology in oncology Psycho-oncology 2013;22 (5):1186-1191 [PubMed]
  • Henselmans Inge, Helgeson Vicki S., Seltman Howard, de Vries Jakob, Sanderman Robbert, Ranchor Adelita V. Identification and prediction of distress trajectories in the first year after a breast cancer diagnosis Health psychology 2010;29 (2):160-168 [PubMed]
All Publications
Curriculum Vitae

Inge Henselmans graduated cum laude in Social Psychology at the University of Groningen (1998-2003), with minors in Health and Clinical Psychology. After graduation, she worked as a junior researcher at the Centre for Quality of Care Research (2003; UMC St. Radboud in Nijmegen), where she studied smokers’ preferences regarding quit smoking support methods. Subsequently, she worked as a research associate at GINO Software in Groningen (2004), where she examined the assignment of care under the Exceptional Medical Expenses Act (AWBZ). In December 2004, she started her PhD project on perceived control and psychological well-being in women with breast cancer at the Health Psychology section of the UMC Groningen. This project was funded by the Dutch Cancer Society and resulted in a PhD thesis (October 2009). As a postdoc, Inge obtained a research fellowship of the Dutch Cancer Society to study patient participation in oncology consultations at the Department of Medical Psychology of the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam. In 2013, she was awarded the Bas Mulder Award (Alpe d'Huzes/KWF Kankerbestrijding), which funds a 4-year project about stimulating shared decision making in palliative oncology. She teaches communication skills to medical students and supervises student research projects.


Current research funding
  • KWF Kankerbestrijding
  • ZonMw