I.D. Hartog MA


MA I.D. Hartog

PhD Candidate, Other Academic Staff
Main activities
Quality of Life (improving the conceptualisation, using a narrative/biographical perspective)
Focus of research

Quality of Life (QoL) is a widely used concept in health care and medical psychology, to assess the impact of a disease or treatment on people’s well-being, using questionnaires. However, current research on QoL doesn’t give us insight into the way people interpret life events (such as becoming ill), how it affects their life goals and how it influences the way they interpret their own QoL. Therefore, I will be developing a new conceptualization of QoL (focusing on 'response shift'), based on narrative theory and theories on contingency, and develop and test a (quantitative) ‘Life Narrative Questionnaire’ that can be used in QoL research.

Key publications
  • Kruizinga Renske, Hartog Iris D., Scherer-Rath Michael, Schilderman Hans, van Laarhoven Hanneke Modes of relating to contingency: An exploration of experiences in advanced cancer patients Palliative & supportive care 2017;15 (4):444-453 [PubMed]
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