J.R. Bosdriesz MA MSc PhD


MA MSc PhD J.R. Bosdriesz

Other Academic Staff, Research Associate
Main activities
Tobacco control policy, smoking cessation
Focus of research

As part of the SILNE project (smoking inequalities: learning from natural experiments), I will investigate, through the evaluation of natural policy experiments, which types of tobacco control policies have increased smoking cessation rates in general, and in particular those of lower socio-economic status groups. For this purpose I will combine comparing policies over time in national-level studies and comparing policies between countries on the European-level.

Key publications
  • Bosdriesz Jizzo R., Willemsen Marc C., Stronks Karien, Kunst Anton E. Tobacco control policy development in the European Union: do political factors matter? European journal of public health 2015;25 (2):190-194 [PubMed]
  • Bosdriesz Jizzo R., Mehmedovic Selma, Witvliet Margot I., Kunst Anton E. Socioeconomic inequalities in smoking in low and mid income countries: positive gradients among women? International journal for equity in health 2014;13 (1):14 [PubMed]
  • Bosdriesz Jizzo R., Lichthart Nienke, Witvliet Margot I., Busschers Wim B., Stronks Karien, Kunst Anton E. Smoking prevalence among migrants in the US compared to the US-born and the population in countries of origin PLoS ONE 2013;8 (3):e58654 [PubMed]
All Publications
Curriculum Vitae

 BSc Health Sciences at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

MSc Health Sciences (prevention) at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Research programmes

Prof. MD PhD K.J. Jager (Evaluation of Health Care and Epidemiology of Kidney Disease)