Working group 2: Work-related costs of cancer survivorship

This Working Group will focus on quantitative methods to assess indirect costs of cancer survivorship caused by the diagnosis of cancer: reduced productivity, wage losses, altered careers, (unpaid) sick leave, unemployment, unsolicited and premature retirement, and inactivity. Identifying the work-related costs of cancer survivorship in various European countries could guide future research and (international) policy regarding guidelines and interventions.

It will also provide tools to evaluate cost-effectiveness of interventions aimed at preventing unemployment in cancer survivors.

The main approaches of this WG will be:

  1. Assessing individual transitions from employment, unemployment or inactivity to employment, unemployment, retirement or inactivity; and
  2. Calculating the cost of all the detrimental effects of cancer upon the occupational status.

The main expected outcomes are:

  1. Quantification of a matrix of loss of chance in job tenure due to cancer, according to socioeconomic and occupational status;
  2. Identification of the temporality of the return to work, also according socioeconomic and occupational status; and
  3. Assessment of the cost of all the detrimental effects of cancer upon work participation.