H. Heijboer publications


Publications H. Heijboer

Medical Specialist
Main activities
Education, Patient care
Pediatric Hematology
Focus of research

The focus of my research is sickle cell disease. Both psychosocial and medical aspects of this multiorgan disease are within the scope of interest.


  • Houwing M. E., de Pagter P. J., van Beers E. J., Biemond B. J., Rettenbacher E., Rijneveld A. W., Schols E. M., Philipsen J. N. J., Tamminga R. Y. J., van Draat K. Fijn, Nur E., Cnossen M. H., Study group members AMC , Heijboer Harriet Sickle cell disease: Clinical presentation and management of a global health challenge Blood reviews 2019;37 (September) [PubMed]


  • Sins Joep W. R., Fijnvandraat Karin, Rijneveld Anita W., Boom Martine B., Kerkhoffs Jean-Louis H., van Meurs Alfred H., de Groot Marco R., Heijboer Harriët, Dresse Marie-Françoise, Lê Phu Quoc, Hermans Philippe, Vanderfaeillie Anna, van den Neste Eric W., Benghiat Fleur S., Kesse-Adu Rachel, Delannoy André, Efira André, Azerad Marie-Agnès, de Borgie Corianne A., Biemond Bart J. Effect of N-acetylcysteine on pain in daily life in patients with sickle cell disease: a randomised clinical trial British journal of haematology 2018;182 (3):444-448 [PubMed]


  • Sins Joep W. R., Biemond Bart J., van den Bersselaar Sil M., Heijboer H., Rijneveld Anita W., Cnossen Marjon H., Kerkhoffs Jean-Louis H., van Meurs Alfred H., von Ronnen F. B., Zalpuri Saurabh, de Rijke Yolanda B., Ellen van der Schoot C., de Haas Masja, van der Bom Johanna G., Fijnvandraat Karin Early occurrence of red blood cell alloimmunization in patients with sickle cell disease American journal of hematology 2016;91 (8):763-769 [PubMed]
  • van der Land Veronica, Mutsaerts Henri J. M. M., Engelen Marc, Heijboer Harriët, Roest Mark, Hollestelle Martine J., Kuijpers Taco W., Nederkoorn Paul J., Cnossen Marjon H., Majoie Charles B. L. M., Nederveen Aart J., Fijnvandraat Karin Risk factor analysis of cerebral white matter hyperintensities in children with sickle cell disease British journal of haematology 2016;172 (2):274-284 [PubMed]


  • van der Land Veronica, Heijboer Harriët, Fijnvandraat Karin Transfusions for silent cerebral infarcts in sickle cell anemia New England journal of medicine 2014;371 (19):1841 [PubMed]


  • van der Land Veronica, Peters Marjolein, Biemond Bart J., Heijboer Harriët, Harteveld Cornelis L., Fijnvandraat Karin Markers of endothelial dysfunction differ between subphenotypes in children with sickle cell disease Thrombosis research 2013;132 (6):712-717 [PubMed]


  • Gevers Sanna, Nederveen Aart J., Fijnvandraat Karin, van den Berg Sandra M., van Ooij Pim, Heijtel Dennis F., Heijboer Harriët, Nederkoorn Paul J., Engelen Marc, van Osch Matthias J., Majoie Charles B. Arterial spin labeling measurement of cerebral perfusion in children with sickle cell disease Journal of magnetic resonance imaging 2012;35 (4):779-787 [PubMed]
  • Peters M., Heijboer H., Smiers F., Giordano P. C. Diagnosis and management of thalassaemia BMJ (Clinical research ed.) 2012;344:e228 [PubMed]
  • Heijboer Harriet, Fijnvandraat Catharina J. Tussen Scylla en Charybdis. Transfusies versus hydroxyureum voor de behandeling van herseninfarct bij kinderen met sikkelcelziekte. Kinderarts en Wetenschap 2012;3:35-36


  • van der Land V., Suijker M. H., Cnossen M. H., Peters M., Heijboer H., Fijnvandraat K. Growth in children with sickle cell disease in the Netherlands: first results of the FOCUS study. Pediatric clinics Amsterdam 2011;22:9
  • van der Plas Evelyn M., van den Tweel Xandra W., Geskus Ronald B., Heijboer Harriët, Biemond Bart J., Peters Marjolein, Fijnvandraat Karin Mortality and causes of death in children with sickle cell disease in the Netherlands, before the introduction of neonatal screening British journal of haematology 2011;155 (1):106-110 [PubMed]
  • Heijboer H. Multidisciplinaire zorg voor kinderen met sikkelcelziekte Praktische pediatrie 2011;3:146
  • Hijmans Channa T., Fijnvandraat Karin, Grootenhuis Martha A., van Geloven Nan, Heijboer Harriët, Peters Marjolein, Oosterlaan Jaap Neurocognitive Deficits in Children With Sickle Cell Disease: A Comprehensive Profile Pediatric blood & cancer 2011;56 (5):783-788 [PubMed]
  • Hijmans Channa T., Grootenhuis Martha A., Oosterlaan Jaap, Heijboer Harriët, Peters Marjolein, Fijnvandraat Karin Neurocognitive Deficits in Children With Sickle Cell Disease Are Associated With the Severity of Anemia Pediatric blood & cancer 2011;57 (2):297-302 [PubMed]


  • van den Tweel Xandra W., van der Lee Johanna H., Heijboer Harriët, Peters Marjolein, Fijnvandraat Karin Development and validation of a pediatric severity index for sickle cell patients American journal of hematology 2010;85 (10):746-751 [PubMed]
  • Hijmans Channa T., Fijnvandraat Karin, Oosterlaan Jaap, Heijboer Harriët, Peters Marjolein, Grootenhuis Martha A. Double disadvantage: a case control study on health-related quality of life in children with sickle cell disease Health and quality of life outcomes 2010;8 (1):121 [PubMed]
  • Van der Plas E. M., van den Tweel X. W., Heijboer H., Geskus R. B., Biemond B. J., Peters M., Fijnvandraat K. Mortality and causes of death in children with sickle cell disease in the Netherlands, before the introduction of neonatal screening. Pediatric clinics Amsterdam 2010;21 (1):5-6


  • Hijmans Channa T., Grootenhuis Martha A., Oosterlaan Jaap, Last Bob F., Heijboer Harriët, Peters Marjolein, Fijnvandraat Karin Behavioral and Emotional Problems in Children With Sickle Cell Disease and Healthy Siblings: Multiple Informants, Multiple Measures Pediatric blood & cancer 2009;53 (7):1277-1283 [PubMed]
  • van den Tweel Xandra W., Nederveen Aart J., Majoie Charles B. L. M., van der Lee Johanna H., Wagener-Schimmel Laetitia, van Walderveen Marianne A. A., Poll The Bwee Tien, Nederkoorn Paul J., Heijboer Harriët, Fijnvandraat Karin Cerebral blood flow measurement in children with sickle cell disease using continuous arterial spin labeling at 3.0-Tesla MRI Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation 2009;40 (3):795-800 [PubMed]
  • Heijboer H., Peters M. Diagnostiek voor sikkelcelziekte Nederlands tijdschrift voor hematologie 2009;2:50-55
  • van Ommen C. H., Heijboer H., Peters M. Management of venous thromboembolic disease in childhood.in: Edwin J. R. van Beek, Harry Büller, M. Oudkerk, editors. Deep vein trhombosis and pulmonary embolism. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons Ltd; 2009. p. 373-404, ISBN 9780470745007
  • Peters M., Appel I. M., Cnossen M. H., Breuning-Boers J. M., Heijboer H. Sikkelcelziekte in de hielprikscreening. I Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde 2009;153 (18):854-857 [PubMed]


  • Heijboer H. Casus 43: Jeohova's getuigen en bloedtransfusiein: Inez de Beaufort, Suzanne van de Vathorst, Frans Hazebroek, Bert van der Heijden, Wendela Leeuwenburgh-Pronk, Hannie Aartsen, editors. Kwetsbare kinderen: een ethische zorg. Casus en commentaren. Den Haag: Lemma; 2008. p. 455-461, ISBN 9789059312746
  • Hijmans Channa T., van Oirschot M. M., Heijboer H., Peters M., Hendriks C. J., Last B. F., Oosterlaan J., Grootenhuis M. A., Fijnvandraat K. Neuropsychological dysfunction in children with sickle cell disease: the AANPAK project. Pediatric clinics Amsterdam 2008;19:10-12


  • Heijboer H., van den Tweel X. W., Fijnvandraat K., Peters M. Herkenning van kinderen met sikkelcelziekte in Nederland Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde 2007;151 (45):2498-501 [PubMed]
  • Neefjes Veronica M. E., Heijboer Harriët, Tamminga Rienk Y. J. H. pylori infection in childhood chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura Haematologica 2007;92 (4):576 [PubMed]


  • van den Tweel Xandra, Heijboer Harriët, Fijnvandraat Karin, Peters Marjolein Identifying children with sickle cell anaemia in a non-endemic country: age at diagnosis and presenting symptoms European journal of pediatrics 2006;165 (8):581-582 [PubMed]


  • van Ommen C. H., Heijboer H., van den Dool E. J., Hutten B. A., Peters M. Pediatric venous thromboembolic disease in one single center: congenital prothrombotic disorders and the clinical outcome Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis 2003;1 (12):2516-2522 [PubMed]


  • de Neef M., Heijboer H., van Woensel J. B. M., de Haan R. J. The efficacy of heparinization in prolonging patency of arterial and central venous catheters in children: A randomized double-blind trial Pediatric hematology and oncology 2002;19 (8):553-560 [PubMed]


  • Heijboer H., van den Tweel X. W., Peters M., Knuist M., Prins J., Heymans H. S. Een jaar neonatale screening op sikkelcelziekte in het Emma Kinderziekenhuis/Academisch Medisch Centrum te Amsterdam Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde 2001;145 (37):1795-1799 [PubMed]
  • van Ommen C. H., Heijboer H., Büller H. R., Hirasing R. A., Heijmans H. S., Peters M. Venous thromboembolism in childhood: a prospective two-year registry in The Netherlands Journal of pediatrics 2001;139 (5):676-681 [PubMed]


  • Kater A. P., Heijboer H., Peters M., Vogels T., Prins M. H., Heymans H. S. Kwaliteit van leven bij kinderen met sikkelcelziekte in de regio Amsterdam Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde 1999;143 (41):2049-2053 [PubMed]


  • Peters M., Heijboer H. Treatment of a patient with Bernard-Soulier syndrome and recurrent nosebleeds with recombinant factor VIIa Thrombosis and haemostasis 1998;80 (2):352 [PubMed]


  • Brandjes D. P., Büller H. R., Heijboer H., Huisman M. V., de Rijk M., Jagt H., ten Cate J. W. Randomised trial of effect of compression stockings in patients with symptomatic proximal-vein thrombosis Lancet 1997;349 (9054):759-762 [PubMed]


  • Heijboer H., Büller H. R., Lensing A. W., Turpie A. G., Colly L. P., ten Cate J. W. A comparison of real-time compression ultrasonography with impedance plethysmography for the diagnosis of deep-vein thrombosis in symptomatic outpatients New England journal of medicine 1993;329 (19):1365-1369 [PubMed]
  • Rosendaal F. R., Nieuwenhuis H. K., van den Berg H. M., Heijboer H., Mauser-Bunschoten E. P., van der Meer J., Smit C., Strengers P. F., Briët E. A sudden increase in factor VIII inhibitor development in multitransfused hemophilia A patients in The Netherlands. Dutch Hemophilia Study Group Blood 1993;81 (8):2180-2186 [PubMed]


  • Brandjes D. P., Heijboer H., Büller H. R., de Rijk M., Jagt H., ten Cate J. W. Acenocoumarol and heparin compared with acenocoumarol alone in the initial treatment of proximal-vein thrombosis New England journal of medicine 1992;327 (21):1485-1489 [PubMed]
  • Heijboer H., Jongbloets L. M., Büller H. R., Lensing A. W., ten Cate J. W. Clinical utility of real-time compression ultrasonography for diagnostic management of patients with recurrent venous thrombosis Acta radiologica (Stockholm, Sweden 1992;33 (4):297-300 [PubMed]
  • Heijboer H., Cogo A., Büller H. R., Prandoni P., ten Cate J. W. Detection of deep vein thrombosis with impedance plethysmography and real-time compression ultrasonography in hospitalized patients Archives of internal medicine 1992;152 (9):1901-1903 [PubMed]
  • Heijboer H., Ginsberg J. S., Büller H. R., Lensing A. W., Colly L. P., ten Cate J. Wouter The use of the D-dimer test in combination with non-invasive testing versus serial non-invasive testing alone for the diagnosis of deep-vein thrombosis Thrombosis and haemostasis 1992;67 (5):510-513 [PubMed]


  • Heijboer H., ten Cate J. W., Büller H. R. Diagnosis of venous thrombosis Seminars in thrombosis and hemostasis 1991;17 (Suppl. 3):259-268 [PubMed]
  • Rosendaal F. R., Heijboer H., Briët E., Büller H. R., Brandjes D. P., de Bruin K., Hommes D. W., Vandenbroucke J. P. Mortality in hereditary antithrombin-III deficiency--1830 to 1989 Lancet 1991;337 (8736):260-262 [PubMed]
  • Rosendaal F. R., Heijboer H. Mortality related to thrombosis in congenital antithrombin III deficiency Lancet 1991;337 (8756):1545 [PubMed]


  • Heijboer H., Brandjes D. P., Büller H. R., Sturk A., ten Cate J. W. Deficiencies of coagulation-inhibiting and fibrinolytic proteins in outpatients with deep-vein thrombosis New England journal of medicine 1990;323 (22):1512-1516 [PubMed]