H.A. Marquering PhD


PhD H.A. Marquering

Associate Professor, Assistant Professor
Main activities
Education, Research
Cardiovascular Imaging and Image Analysis
Focus of research

The focus of my research is the application of Artificial Intelligence on medical image analyses, and 3D and 4D cardiovascular images in particular. The research encompasses GOFAI (good old-fashioned artificial intelligence) as well as the more novel deep learning / convolutional neural networks approaches. A strong focus is on neurovascular image analysis for diagnosis, prognostics and treatment decision support of patients suffering from (acute ischemic or hemorrhagic) stroke.

Moreover, our research group works on heterogeneous data analysis in which radiological image data is combined with other types (clinical, baseline, lab) data to enhance prognostics. Since our research group is working for a long time on digital image analysis, other aspects of the digitization is also of our interest. Such subjects include image logistics and exchange, privacy and security, and collaboration with ambulances in the hyper-acute situations.

Key publications
  • Marquering Henk A., van Ooij Pim, Streekstra Geert J., Schneiders Joppe J., Majoie Charles B., VanBavel Ed, Nederveen Aart J. Multiscale flow patterns within an intracranial aneurysm phantom IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering 2011;58 (12):3447-3450 [PubMed]
  • Marquering H., Dahlen F. A., Nolet G. Three-dimensional sensitivity kernels for finite-frequency traveltimes: the banana-doughnut paradox GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL 1999;137 (3):805-815
  • Santos Emilie M. M., Dankbaar Jan Willem, Treurniet Kilian M., Horsch Alexander D., Roos Yvo B., Kappelle L. Jaap, Niessen Wiro J., Majoie Charles B., Velthuis Birgitta, Marquering Henk A., Duijm L. E., Keizer K., van der Lugt A., Dippel D. W., Droogh-de Greeve K. E., Bienfait H. P., van Walderveen M. A., Wermer M. J., Lycklama à Nijeholt G. J., Boiten J., Duyndam D., Kwa I. V., Meijer J. F., van Dijk E. J., Kesselring F. O., Hofmeijer J., Vos J. A., Schonewille W. J., van Rooij W. J., de Kort P. L., Pleiter C. C., Bakker S. L., Bot J., Visser M. C., van der Schaaf I. C., Mali W. P., van Seeters T., Niesten J. M., Biessels G. J., Luitse M. J., van der Graaf Y. Permeable Thrombi Are Associated With Higher Intravenous Recombinant Tissue-Type Plasminogen Activator Treatment Success in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation 2016;47 (8):2058-2065 [PubMed]
  • Bucker Amber, Boers Anna M., Bot Joseph C. J., Berkhemer Olvert A., Lingsma Hester F., Yoo Albert J., van Zwam Wim H., van Oostenbrugge Robert J., van der Lugt Aad, Dippel Diederik W. J., Roos Yvo B. W. E. M., Majoie Charles B. L. M., Marquering Henk A. Associations of Ischemic Lesion Volume With Functional Outcome in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke: 24-Hour Versus 1-Week Imaging Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation 2017;48 (5):1233-1240 [PubMed]
  • Elattar M. A., Wiegerinck E. M., Planken R. N., VanBavel E., van Assen H. C., Baan J., Marquering H. A. Automatic segmentation of the aortic root in CT angiography of candidate patients for transcatheter aortic valve implantation Medical & biological engineering & computing 2014;52 (7):611-618 [PubMed]
All Publications
Curriculum Vitae

Henk Marquering defended his PhD at the Utrecht University in 1996 on Surface-wave mode coupling: Modelling and inverting waveforms including body-wave phases. He continued his work on theoretical seismology as a post-doc in Princeton University. Here he worked on the rather controversial "banana-doughnut kernels".

He returned to the Netherlands in 1998 to work as a researcher in the R&D department of Oce. During the 5 years that he worked here his focus was on document analysis, and image processing, most noticeably on the segmentation of Japanese newspapers.

 In 2003 he joined the LKEB department of the LUMC. Here he started working on the segmentation of coronary arteries in multi-slice CT images. His work resulted in a market introduction of Medis software on CT based stenosis quantification of carotid arteries.

 In 2008 he joined 3mensio as a researcher/programmer where he mainly worked on the introduction of 3mensio's software for the measurements for sizing and patient selection for the transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI).

In September he started at the Radiology department and the Biomedical Engineering and Physics department of the Amsterdam UMC, location AMC. He is currently an associate professor and principal investigator in cardiovascular imaging and image analysis. Part of his research focusses on the application of machine learning and artifical intellligence for the analysis of radiological images. He was involved in 4 CARISMA and 1 HTSM STW projects. He was project leader of PAPAVER and the NutsOhra funded project Q-SAB.  He is and was involved in multiple ITEA projects sucha as MEDUSA , 3DpathologyMedolution, and PARTNER. Henk is also co-chairing the H2020 project INSIST forcussing on In-silico clinical trials for treatment of stroke. Recently he also got involved in two securiy-based H2020 projects; Safecare and Asclepios.

Henk is a cofounder of Nico-lab, an AMC spin-off AI company that focusses on the automated analysis of images of patients suspected of stroke. With Nico.lab the AMC has succesfully set up awarded collaborative projects such as STW take off (1 and 2), ANIMATIONS, BRAINS, ARCADES.

Henk Marquering is (co)author of over 125 peer-reviewed papers, has a H-factor of 32 (google scholar) and has two patents on the segmentation of japanese newspaper: Segmenting an image via a graph; Patent number: 7570811 and Segmenting an image via shortest cycles; Patent number: 7529407.

Henk also was part of the start of thrombus pervious research. And here you can find some of his old work on banana-doiughnut kernels.



Research programmes

PhD H.A. Marquering (Cardiovascular image analysis)

My research focuses on the application of Artificial Intelligence for quantitative image analysis for (1) computer aided diagnosis, (2) treatment selection, (3)  minimal invasive treatment planning, and (4) improving prognostics. Within this field, I have a special interest in neurovascular image analysis and ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke.

M.W.A. Caan

Prof. MD PhD C.B.L.M. Majoie (Neuroradiology, Neurovascular diseases: imaging and endovascular treatment of acute stroke)

Medewerkers buiten research programmes van afdeling Biomedical Engineering and Physics

Medewerkers buiten research programmes van afdeling Radiologie

MD PhD J. Baan (Transcatheter Heart Valve Interventions)

Current research funding
  • AMC
  • Crediteurenadm. VUmc, p/a Profource Service Center
  • Europese Unie
  • Life Sciences Health TKI
  • Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland
  • Technologiestichting STW