MD R.M. Scholtens publications


Publications MD R.M. Scholtens

PhD Candidate
Main activities
Internal medicine/geriatrics
Focus of research

 Pathophysiology of delirium. Special interest in circadian rhythm disturbances and melatonin in older people.

Coordinating investigator of the multicenter trial 'Melatonin rhythm in older ICU patients with and without delirium'


  • Scholtens Rikie M., van Munster Barbara C., van Faassen Martijn, van Kempen Marijn F., Kema Ido P., de Rooij Sophia E. Plasma melatonin levels in hip fracture patients with and without delirium: A confirmation study Mechanisms of ageing and development 2017;167:1-4 [PubMed]
  • Beishuizen Sara J. E., Scholtens Rikie M., van Munster Barbara C., de Rooij Sophia E. Unraveling the Relationship Between Delirium, Brain Damage, and Subsequent Cognitive Decline in a Cohort of Individuals Undergoing Surgery for Hip Fracture Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2017;65 (1):130-136 [PubMed]
  • Scholtens Rikie M., van Munster Barbara C., Adamis Dimitrios, de Jonghe Annemarieke, Meagher David J., de Rooij Sophia E. J. A. Variability of Delirium Motor Subtype Scale-Defined Delirium Motor Subtypes in Elderly Adults with Hip Fracture: A Longitudinal Study Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2017;65 (2):e45-e50 [PubMed]


  • Scholtens Rikie M., van Munster Barbara C., van Kempen Marijn F., de Rooij Sophia E. J. A. Physiological melatonin levels in healthy older people: A systematic review Journal of psychosomatic research 2016;86:20-27 [PubMed]
  • Scholtens Rikie M., de Rooij Sophia E. J. A., Vellekoop Annelies E., Vrouenraets Bart C., van Munster Barbara C. Preoperative CSF Melatonin Concentrations and the Occurrence of Delirium in Older Hip Fracture Patients: A Preliminary Study PLoS ONE 2016;11 (12):e0167621 [PubMed]
  • Adamis Dimitrios, Scholtens Rikie M., de Jonghe Annemarieke, van Munster Barbara C., de Rooij Sophia E. J. A., Meagher David J. Psychometric evaluation of the DMSS-4 in a cohort of elderly post-operative hip fracture patients with delirium International psychogeriatrics / IPA 2016;28 (7):1221-1228 [PubMed]
  • van der Zanden Vera, Beishuizen Sara J., Scholtens Rikie M., de Jonghe Annemarieke, de Rooij Sophia E., van Munster Barbara C. The Effects of Blood Transfusion on Delirium Incidence Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 2016;17 (8):748-753 [PubMed]


  • Westhoff Dunja, Witlox Joost, van Aalst Corneli, Scholtens Rikie M., de Rooij Sophia E., van Munster Barbara C., de Jonghe Jos F. M., Houdijk Alexander P. J., Eikelenboom Piet, van Westerloo David J., van de Beek Diederik, van Gool Willem A., Koenderman Leo Preoperative protein profiles in cerebrospinal fluid in elderly hip fracture patients at risk for delirium: A proteomics and validation study BBA clinical 2015;4:115-122 [PubMed]
  • van Gemert Liesbeth A. M., Scholtens Rikie M., Beishuizen Sara J. Stil delier Nurse academy : Praktijkgerichte nascholing voor verpleegkundigen 2015;2015 (4):48-53
  • Beishuizen Sara J., Scholtens Rikie M., Vellekoop Annelies E., Vrouenraets Bart C., Westhoff Dunja, van de Beek Diederik, de Rooij Sophia E., van Munster Barbara C. Timing Is Critical in Determining the Association Between Delirium and S100 Calcium-Binding Protein B Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2015;63 (10):2212-2214 [PubMed]