MEng H.W. Helleman publications


Publications MEng H.W. Helleman

PhD Candidate, Research Associate
Main activities
Patient care, Research
Focus of research

Monitoring (noise induced) hearing loss with otoacoustic emissions


  • Helleman Hiske W., Eising Hilde, Limpens Jacqueline, Dreschler Wouter A. Otoacoustic emissions versus audiometry in monitoring hearing loss after long-term noise exposure - a systematic review Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health 2018;44 (6):585-600 [PubMed]


  • Jolink C., Helleman H. W., van Spronsen E., Ebbens F. A., Ravesloot M. J. L., Dreschler W. A. The long-term results of speech perception in elderly cochlear implant users Cochlear implants international 2016;17 (3):146-150 [PubMed]


  • Helleman Hiske W., Dreschler Wouter A. Short-term music-induced hearing loss after sound exposure to discotheque music: the effectiveness of a break in reducing temporary threshold shift International journal of audiology 2015;54 (Suppl. 1):S46-S52 [PubMed]


  • Helleman Hiske W., Dreschler Wouter A. Overall versus individual changes for otoacoustic emissions and audiometry in a noise-exposed cohort International journal of audiology 2012;51 (5):362-372 [PubMed]


  • Leensen M. C. J., Helleman H. W., Jansen E. J. M., Dreschler W. A. De toepasbaarheid van otoakoestische emissies als screenings- en monitoringsinstrument voor lawaaischade in de bouwnijverheidHarderwijk: s.n.; 2011. 52p. ISBN 9789490943141


  • Helleman H. W., Jansen E. J. M., Dreschler W. A. Otoacoustic emissions in a hearing conservation program: General applicability in longitudinal monitoring and the relation to changes in pure-tone thresholds International journal of audiology 2010;49 (6):410-419 [PubMed]


  • Jansen E. J. M., Helleman H. W., Dreschler W. A., de Laat J. A. P. M. Noise induced hearing loss and other hearing complaints among musicians of symphony orchestras International archives of occupational and environmental health 2009;82 (2):153-164 [PubMed]


  • Leensen M. C. J., Helleman H. W., Dreschler W. A. Lawaaislechthorendheid in de bouwnijverheid, een retrospectieve analyse van het gehoor van werknemers in de bouwAmsterdam: s.n.; 2007. 84p. ISBN 9789077286975