G.S. de Wolf MSc publications


Publications MSc G.S. de Wolf

Assistant Professor
Main activities
Program coodinator Master Evidence Based Practice
Focus of research

Evaluating quality of care of Stroke Services

Participating in research projects initiated by students of the masterprogram Evidence Based Practice


  • Titulaer Linde M. L., de Wolf G. Sander, Bakkum Erica A., Moll Etelka Delayed versus immediate oxytocin infusion after amniotomy for induction of labour: A randomised controlled pilot trial European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology 2019;240:357-363 [PubMed]
  • Westra Bennie, de Wolf Sander, Bij de Vaate Eline, Legemaat Monique, Nyberg André, Klijn Peter Quality of resistance training description in COPD trials: Study protocol for a systematic review BMJ open 2019;9 (1):e025030 [PubMed]


  • Molenaar Nina M., Brouwer Marlies E., Duvekot Johannes J., Burger Huibert, Knijff Esther M., Hoogendijk Witte J., Bockting Claudi L. H., de Wolf G. S., Lambregtse-van den Berg Mijke P. Antidepressants during pregnancy: Guideline adherence and current practice amongst Dutch gynaecologists and midwives Midwifery 2018;61:29-35 [PubMed]


  • Bolster Eline A. M., Dallmeijer Annet J., de Wolf G. Sander, Versteegt Marieke, van Schie Petra E. M. Reliability and Construct Validity of the 6-Minute Racerunner Test in Children and Youth with Cerebral Palsy, GMFCS Levels III and IV Physical & occupational therapy in pediatrics 2017;37 (2):210-221 [PubMed]


  • Siebum Wim, Pijl Ysbrand J., de Wolf G. Sander Routine outcome monitoring and process quality in mental health care: a descriptive study in daily practice Journal of evaluation in clinical practice 2015;21 (4):620-625 [PubMed]


  • Geerdink Yvonne, Lindeboom Robert, de Wolf Sander, Steenbergen Bert, Geurts Alexander C. H., Aarts Pauline Assessment of upper limb capacity in children with unilateral cerebral palsy: construct validity of a Rasch-reduced Modified House Classification Developmental medicine and child neurology 2014;56 (6):580-586 [PubMed]


  • van Vulpen L. F., de Groot S., Becher J. G., de Wolf G. S., Dallmeijer A. J. Feasibility and test-retest reliability of measuring lower‑limb strength in young children with cerebral palsy European journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine 2013;49 (6):803-813 [PubMed]


  • Spek Bea, de Wolf G. S., van Dijk N. [=Nynke], Lucas C. Development and validation of an assessment instrument for teaching evidence-based practice to students in allied health care: the Dutch Modified Fresno Journal of allied health 2012;41 (2):77-82 [PubMed]


  • Hoekstra Jellie C., Goosen Jon H. M., de Wolf G. Sander, Verheyen Cees C. P. M. Effectiveness of multidisciplinary nutritional care on nutritional intake, nutritional status and quality of life in patients with hip fractures: a controlled prospective cohort study Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland) 2011;30 (4):455-461 [PubMed]
  • van Ravenswaaij R., Tesselaar-van der Goot M., de Wolf S., van Leeuwen-Spruijt M., Visser G. H. A., Schielen P. C. J. I. First-trimester serum PAPP-A and fβ-hCG concentrations and other maternal characteristics to establish logistic regression-based predictive rules for adverse pregnancy outcome Prenatal diagnosis 2011;31 (1):50-57 [PubMed]


  • Hermus Marieke A. A., Verhoeven Corine J. M., Mol Ben W., de Wolf Gideon S., Fiedeldeij Cora A. Comparison of Induction of Labour and Expectant Management in Postterm Pregnancy: A Matched Cohort Study Journal of midwifery & women s health 2009;54 (5):351-356 [PubMed]
  • Peerbooms Joost C., de Wolf Gideon S., Colaris Joost W., Bruijn Daniël J., Verhaar Jan A. N. No positive effect of autologous platelet gel after total knee arthroplasty Acta orthopaedica 2009;80 (5):557-562 [PubMed]