T. Bakker MSc publications


Publications MSc T. Bakker

PhD Candidate, Other Academic Staff
Main activities
Research, Other
Drug-drug interactions on the intensive care unit
Focus of research

Imnproving pharmacotherapy on intensive care units via computerized decision support and performance feedback.


  • Bakker Tinka, Abu-Hanna Ameen, Dongelmans Dave A., Vermeijden Wytze J., Bosman Rob J., de Lange Dylan W., Klopotowska Joanna E., de Keizer Nicolette F., Hendriks S., ten Cate J., Schutte P. F., van Balen D., Duyvendak M., Karakus A., Sigtermans M., Kuck E. M., Hunfeld N. G.M., van der Sijs H., de Feiter P. W., Wils E. J., Spronk P. E., van Kan H. J.M., van der Steen M. S., Purmer I. M., Bosma B. E., Kieft H., van Marum R. J., de Jonge E., Beishuizen A., Movig K., Mulder F., Franssen E. J.F., van den Bergh W. M., Bult W., Hoeksema M., Wesselink E. Clinically relevant potential drug-drug interactions in intensive care patients: A large retrospective observational multicenter study Journal of critical care 2021;62:124-130 [PubMed]


  • Bakker Tinka, Klopotowska Joanna E., de Keizer Nicolette F., van Marum Rob, van der Sijs Heleen, de Lange Dylan W., de Jonge Evert, Abu-Hanna Ameen, Dongelmans Dave A. Improving medication safety in the Intensive Care by identifying relevant drug-drug interactions - Results of a multicenter Delphi study Journal of critical care 2020;57:134-140 [PubMed]


  • Ongering M. S., Bakker T., Dongelmans D. A., de Keizer N. F., Abu-Hanna A., Klopotowska J. E. Effect van beslissingsondersteuning op het verminderen van interacterende medicatie-combinaties op de intensive care Pharmaceutisch Weekblad 2019;154 (39):17-22
  • Bakker T., Klopotowska J. E., Eslami S., de Lange D. W., van Marum R., van der Sijs H., de Jonge E., Dongelmans D. A., de Keizer N. F., Abu-Hanna A. The effect of ICU-tailored drug-drug interaction alerts on medication prescribing and monitoring: Protocol for a cluster randomized stepped-wedge trial BMC medical informatics and decision making 2019;19 (1):159 [PubMed]


  • Willemze Rose A., Bakker Tinka, Pippias Maria, Ponsioen Cyriel Y., de Jonge Wouter J. β-Blocker use is associated with a higher relapse risk of inflammatory bowel disease: a Dutch retrospective case-control study European journal of gastroenterology & hepatology 2018;30 (2):161-166 [PubMed]