E.M. Akkerman PhD


PhD E.M. Akkerman

Main activities
Education, Research, Other
MRI Physicist
Focus of research

MRI biomarkers in Gaucher's Disease

Theory of Diffusion Tensor Imaging

Liver-Iron-Concentration measures with MRI

Key publications
  • Akkerman Erik M. The direct tensor solution and higher-order acquisition schemes for generalized diffusion tensor imaging Journal of magnetic resonance (San Diego, Calif. 2010;206 (1):9-19 [PubMed]
  • Akkerman Erik M. Efficient measurement and calculation of MR diffusion Anisotropy images using the platonic variance method Magnetic resonance in medicine 2003;49 (3):599-604 [PubMed]
  • Maas M., Akkerman E. M., Venema H. W., Stoker J., den Heeten G. J. Dixon quantitative chemical shift MRI for bone marrow evaluation in the lumbar spine: a reproducibility study in healthy volunteers Journal of computer assisted tomography 2001;25 (5):691-697 [PubMed]
All Publications
Research programmes

(Medewerkers buiten research programmes van afdeling Radiologie)