T. Georgakopoulou publications


Publications T. Georgakopoulou

PhD Candidate, Other Academic Staff
Main activities
Stroke, microcirculation and micro-occlusions
Focus of research

Effects of micro-occlusions on brain tissue and vasculature.


  • van der Wijk Anne-Eva, Georgakopoulou Theodosia, Majolée Jisca, van Bezu Jan S. M., van der Stoel Miesje M., van het Hof Bert J., de Vries Helga E., Huveneers Stephan, Hordijk Peter L., Bakker Erik N. T. P., van Bavel Ed Microembolus clearance through angiophagy is an auxiliary mechanism preserving tissue perfusion in the rat brain Acta neuropathologica communications 2020;8 (1) [PubMed]


  • Michailidou Iliana, Jongejan Aldo, Vreijling Jeroen P, Georgakopoulou Theodosia, de Wissel Marit B, Wolterman Ruud A, Ruizendaal Patrick, Klar-Mohamad Ngaisah, Grootemaat Anita E, Picavet Daisy I, Kumar Vinod, van Kooten Cees, Woodruff Trent M, Morgan B Paul, van der Wel Nicole N, Ramaglia Valeria, Fluiter Kees, Baas Frank Systemic inhibition of the membrane attack complex impedes neuroinflammation in chronic relapsing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Acta neuropathologica communications 2018;6 (1):36 [PubMed]