Overview Experimental Immunology (onderwijs)
- The department of Experimental Immunology is very active in the education of both bachelor and master students with scientific research internships from three to nine months. Internship students from UvA, other universities and HLO academies (laboratory technicians training) can apply at one of the research subjects within the department.
- In recent years we have also hosted internship students from international programmes such as Erasmus and Da Vinci.
- Staff members of the department organise and participate in the UvA Masters’ courses Advanced Immunology and Advanced Microbiology, and together with Sanquin Research Institute, we coordinate the UvA-FNWI track Infection and Immunity.
- Staff members of the department participate in the highly popular postgraduate course Advanced Immunology, organised each your for PhD students in the general field of Immunology. For set-up and program, see: Advanced Immunology 2012.
- We organise the elective course (‘keuzeonderwijs‘) in Immunology for 2nd year students in Medicine.
- 3rd year students in Medicine from the AMC interested in (fundamental) research aspects of Immunology, Haematology or Infectious diseases can write their bachelors’ thesis under supervision of our staff members.
- Staff members of the department participate in education outside the AMC, for example in Masters’ and PhD Immunological courses at VUMC, UMCU, LUMC and University College Amsterdam.