Clinical Electives

Learn more about the Dutch Healthcare system

Elective clerkships

Pursuing a medical elective at AMC-UvA is a unique opportunity to experience the Dutch healthcare system. You can gain more experience in the medical field of your specific interest.

Doing one or more clerkships abroad is not only good for your personal development, but it also allows you to encounter medical conditions who are less common at home. In general, students often describe how their internship broadened their horizons.

A placement in a particular specialist setting may allow you some insight into a potential career path.

The intensive supervision provided by teachers during the internships gradually diminishes and halfway through the internships the student operates as if he or she is almost a physician him- or herself. It is the patient with a need for help who trusts that he or she will receive the best possible care, that his or her physician has up-to-date medical knowledge, disposes of the necessary motor skills and treats the patient with respect. The AMC-UvA is dedicated to training such physicians.

The more experienced students who are in their final year of study can take part in our so-called 'optional clerkships' in the 4th phase of the clerkship program. For the clerkships a good knowledge of the Dutch language is required. Moreover, the student must have completed clinical training of at least 8 months on senior level, of which 3 months of Internal Medicine.

It is also possible for exchange students to participate in clinical electives, such as gastro-enterology, cardiology, anesthesiology, radiology. These clinical electives are not part of the regular study program, but offer foreign students the possibility to get insight into clinical work at the Academic Medical Center. A good active knowledge of the Dutch language is almost always required.

Interest in a clinical elective? Apply here.


International Office Academic Medical Center Universiteit van Amsterdam Meibergdreef 15 NL-1105 AZ Amsterdam

phone +31 (0) 20 566 5088

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