Research electives

Conduct a research project at one of our Research Institutes

Research electives

The AMC performs a lot of scientific research into the nature and origin of many different diseases, into detection and treatment methods, and into possibilities for prevention.

Students are taught to have a critical scientific attitude. This is part of their academic education and links up with the shift towards so-called 'evidence-based medicine' that is currently taking place in patient care and means that the choice of treatment should be based primarily on scientifically proven efficacy and efficiency.

Research electives offer exchange students the possibility to participate and to be trained in research. It is not necessary for students to speak and understand the Dutch language; a good knowledge of the English language will be sufficient. The regular program for research electives is 16-24 weeks, a longer period is possible. 

Amsterdam Research brings together opinion leading academic research in the field of Health & Life Sciences developed in the Amsterdam region. In doing so - and on the authority of the two medical centers and the two universities - Amsterdam now has eight alliance research institutes, each with dedicated expertise and focussed on particular disease indications. Follow the link to learn more about the Research Institutes.

Interested in a research internship? Apply here.


International Office Academic Medical Center Universiteit van Amsterdam Meibergdreef 15 NL-1105 AZ Amsterdam

phone +31 (0) 20 566 5088

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