Advanced Immunology (VU Amstel Academie)

Information about the course Advanced Immunology.


This course aims to further extend participant’s knowledge of recent developments in immunology and to improve the understanding of key scientific questions and approaches in immunological research.


This two-week, full-time course runs once a year. One week is spent at the VU University Medical Center (VUmc), the other at Sanquin. Lectures are given on selected topics by a variety of national experts, but also by some excellent international speakers. The lectures are combined with discussions on immunological topics, master classes and social activities.

Scheduled dates:

January 27 thru February 7, 2020.


    Topics include: molecules (MHC, antigen receptors, co-stimulatory molecules, adhesion molecules), mediators (cytokines, chemokines, hormones), and cells (T and B lymphocytes, antigen-presenting cells, natural immune cells) involved in immune responses; antigen processing; regulation of immune responses; effector mechanisms; infectious diseases, cancer, autoimmunity and allergy.

    Target audience:

    AMC PhD candidates with a good basic knowledge of immunology (Cuby, Janeway), as obtained during graduate training. It is advised that PhD candidates attend this course in the first year of their PhD projects.


      The course is given in English.


      To qualify for the certificate, a participant must attend all lectures and workshops, and complete all assignments satisfactorily. Attendance is registered.

      Study load:

      80 hours, which is comparable to 2.9 ECTS points.

      Number of participants:

      Maximum 60 per course.


      The costs are published at VU Amstel Academie.

      Course committee:

      • Mw. B. Blom / Dept. of Medical Biology (AMC) / tel. +31 (0)20 - 566 8105.
      • Dr. M.A. Nolte / Adaptive Immunity Lab; Department of Hematopoiesis (Sanquin Research) / tel. +31 (0)20 - 512 3377.
      • Dr. JMM den Haan/ Dept. of Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology (VUmc) / tel. +31 (0)20 - 444 8058.


      Only through online registration at VU Amstel Academie. E-mails will not be processed.

      To receive the flyer and registration link, please send an e-mail to The mailing is sent in October/November.

      More information:

      VU Amstel Academie / tel. +31 (0)20 - 444 8444.


      AMC Graduate School
      Tel: +31 (0)20 - 566 3108