Radiation Protection (AMC PhD Program)

Information about the course Radiation Protection.


The main goal of this course is to provide knowledge and understanding of occupational health, safety and environmental issues needed to work safely in a radionuclide laboratory, without unnecessary risk to yourself or others.


    The course lasts three-and-a-half days and requires 48 hours of work in total, including private ­study. It is given twice a year.

    Dates scheduled:

    • 2018 (exact dates tba).


      Radiation theory (1,5 days).

      Excursions (0,5 day)

      Radiation practice (0,5 day).

      Examination (0,5 day).

      Target audience:

      This course is intended for PhD candidates and all those who need such knowledge in the course of their work.


        The course is given in Dutch. Papers are also in Dutch, an English version of the book is available.

        Examination and certificate:

        This course ends with a formal examination for the certificate Radiation Protection.

        Study load:

        48 hours, which is comparable to 1,7 ECTS points.

        Number of participants:

        Maximum 16 per course.


        No charge for registered AMC PhD candidates.

        Course coordinator:

        Maarten Huikeshoven/ AMC Radiation Protection Group (SBG) / m.j.huikeshoven@amsterdamumc.nl / tel. +31 (0)20 - 566 4836.


        Complete the application form on the AMC Intranet site (Dienstengids: Cursus Stralingshygiëne).

        More information:

        From the course oordinator or AMC Graduate School / graduateschool@amc.uva.nl / room E2-172 / tel. +31 (0)20 - 566 4618.


        AMC Graduate School
        E-mail: graduateschool@amc.uva.nl
        Tel: +31 (0)20 - 566 3108