Tropical Diseases (Outpatient Clinic)

Information about your appointment at the Outpatient Clinic Tropical Diseases.

Contact and appointment

Your house physician or specialist has given you a referral for the outpatient clinic Tropical Diseases of the AMC, a subdivision of the outpatient clinic Internal Medicine of the AMC. The outpatient clinic Tropical Diseases is also part of the Tropical and Travel Centre AMC, a Centre for advice, vaccination and medical assessments before and after a stay in the tropics (if you are looking for these services, please go to the other options at the photos)

Where to go

In a short time, you can be seen at our outpatient clinic Tropical Diseases for medical examination and treatment if you have become ill during or after a stay in the tropics. If you have suddenly become very ill or you have a high fever, in that case you will probably sent to the Emergency Department.

What can you expect?

During your visit at the outpatient clinic, we determinate what your health problem is and what may be the cause. Of course we will tell you what the therapeutic options are. Often investigations like examination of blood, stool and/or urine are needed and sometimes an X-ray or an ultrasound. The doctor will inform you about the benefits and the risks of the proposed treatment and discusses other treatment options, if available. In addition, we tell you what the perspectives are, what you can expect of the treatment.

Examination by a doctor or specialist in training

Amsterdam UMC stands for University Medical Centre, location AMC (Academic Medical Centre): not only a hospital but also a place where doctors and medical specialists are trained. Therefore, it can happen that doctors in training will examine you. By looking and listening they can learn the skills needed. They are always supervised by an experienced doctor.


The department Tropical Diseases is in the building of the outpatient clinic (A) in the basement. You take the elevator or the staircases downstairs to 01. There you will find our desk (at the right if you take the elevator, at your left if you take the staircases)

Department Tropical Diseases

020 - 566 3800

Besides treating tropical diseases, we also give advice to travelers and we vaccinate travelers. We also vaccinate at-risk people with chronic diseases, especially those with immunological disorders.

We have a longstanding experience and expertise in performing medical examinations before and after a stay in the tropics for companies and IGOs / NGOs.