Let’s give a big applause to Ronald Cornet, who delivered his inspiring oration on December 20th!

Good data is essential for providing quality care. But it is also crucial for achieving even better healthcare and health for every citizen, at lower costs, close to the patient, and with more positive experiences for both the healthcare provider and recipient. Data is now digitally available, but the variety and complexity of systems and work processes hinder the proper use and reuse of data. Data is often difficult to find, of insufficient quality, or not easily exchanged, and legislation can make access to data more challenging.

As a result, unnecessary time and money are spent obtaining information or repeating previous research. The way we process data needs to change—and it is changing, argues Cornet. The government and Europe are focusing on data availability. This requires organizations to standardize and make their data accessible, ideally at the source. However, this is not a trivial task. Through the chair "Reusable Health Data," Cornet and colleagues are conducting research to improve and accelerate this process. They are investigating which standards can be used to maximize data reuse and how to align these standards with each other.

The meaning of data, or its semantics, plays an important role in this. We are also exploring ways to capture data as easily as possible based on these standards. Cornet's research contributes to the realization of an infrastructure for the availability of health data in the Netherlands and Europe, as a foundation for protecting and improving health.

Want to learn more? Click here

Prof. Dr. Ir. R. Cornet, Professor of Medical Informatics, specifically reusable health data: Sharing health data? It should be possible!